A brand’s marketing position refers to how a brand wants its target audience to perceive them when compared to other companies in their field. One definition reads: “A brand positioning strategy serves to establish brand associations in the mind of the consumer, in a bid to make them perceive the brand in a specific way.” Two examples of strong brand positioning can be seen in Tesla and Apple. Tesla has positioned itself as the maker of the ultimate electric car, while Apple boasts the most advanced technology the world has to offer.
Having a strong brand positioning for your company presents at least five advantages for a business:
- brand recognition,
- brand loyalty,
- healthy competition,
- customer-centric value proposition, and
- clear direction for your brand.
Brand Recognition
Taking a specific position makes your brand easily recognizable to consumers. One article puts it this way: “Showing your target audience exactly what you want them to know about your brand makes it easy for them to remember the benefits of buying from you.” In other words, having a unique position in the marketplace makes you memorable.
Brand Loyalty
Your brand’s position can garner loyalty from your target audience. Many times, having something distinctive to offer your target customers creates a sort of camaraderie between you and them. People like to feel that a company “gets” them or understands them on a deeper level; and nothing says this like a unique and compelling brand position.
Healthy Competition
Positioning your brand in the marketplace also encourages healthy competition between you and other companies in your niche. A strong positioning differentiates your brand when juxtaposed to the competition. When comparing brands, you want your company to be the clear choice for your target customers. And pricing isn’t the only area of competition; customer service and the quality of your products play a major role in marketing your brand.
Customer-Centric Value Proposition
A specific marketing position offers your customers something of value. What is different about your brand? What can you offer your target audience that the competition doesn’t? Your brand should fill a void for your target consumers. Your ultimate goal is to scale business growth by offering solutions to real customer problems.
Clear and Consistent Direction
Marketing positioning offers your brand clear and consistent direction. With a definite brand position and vision, you know what direction you want to take your business ten, or even twenty, years from now. It enables you to narrow down specific goals that you want your company to achieve in the present year and beyond. It drives your brand forward. Additionally, consistency is another advantage of a compelling brand position. It allows you to stay on track with your messaging and not toss random ideas around, hoping one of them attracts your target consumer.
How Do you Know if Your Brand Has a Strong Position within the Marketplace?
One way to know if you have persuasively positioned your brand in the marketplace is if you can see an obvious growth in business as well as an increase in revenue. If you are still unsure of your marketing positioning, or simply have questions about branding, CONVRG would love to help you learn more about how to effectively position your brand.
Brittany Baugher is a Copywriter at CONVRG Integrated Marketing Solutions. CONVRG offers a strategic, results-driven full stack marketing solution so your business can thrive and get the most out of its digital presence.